Funerals in the 21st Century

Welcome to our new web-site, the funeral profession has a long tradition of personal service and has, on the whole, been slow to embrace the internet, mainly because it felt an impersonal way to discuss a very emotional subject, however things are changing. It is my hope that users of this web-site will find it both informative and also easy to follow. I’ve tried to include the key areas that you need to consider when arranging a funeral.

Advances in technology are slowly being used more widely in the funeral profession. Examples include ‘skyping’ funeral services so that relatives living abroad can be part of a funeral service in real time to the use of improved technology so that when you register a death, all necessary government departments are informed, lessening the stress of numerous form to complete. There are now even trials of non-evasive post-mortems, using the latest high-tech scanning equipment. If they prove successful will allow for quicker, more accurate diagnosis of causes of death and be a lot less distressing for the families of the bereaved.

All these are interesting developments and help to reduce the stress on those who are mourning, however I feel that at the heart of our business is the one-to-one contact between the bereaved and the funeral director, this is something that technology can never replace and is at the core of how the funeral profession works.

I hope you find our web-site of help to you, but if you have any questions that I haven’t answered, feel free to contact us and we will endeavour to answer them.